
Diagnostic tools get a digital upgrade

Welcome to TRAQinform IQ

TRAQinform IQ is a software medical device that provides clinical decision support for oncologists treating patients with metastatic cancer. Oncologists can use TRAQinform IQ technology to make more confident treatment decisions, personalize care for their patients and improve treatment outcomes.

For Oncologists

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For Patients

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“The ability to determine which lesions are increasing and which are stable or decreasing in patients with a large metastatic disease burden will allow great improvements in patient care.”

Dr. Scott Perlman M.D., M.S.
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Consultant to AIQ

“Spatial-temporal treatment response information can help physicians make more informative treatment decisions. As the field moves closer to precision medicine, the development of tools that will meet the growing challenges and provide more individualized treatment and improve cost effectiveness is critically important.”

Kyriakopoulos CE, et al. J Clin Oncol.

Australian Privacy Policy AIQ's software has been cleared for clinical use under 510(k) K173444. For details, including the applicable Indications for Use, see: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfPMN/pmn.cfm?ID=K173444